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The Need For Government To Support Farmers Impacted By Akosombo Dam Spillage

The Akosombo Dam, a symbol of progress and modernization, paradoxically brings about significant challenges. One of the foremost issues is the recurring flooding...


Why Agriculture Deserves Governmental Priority for Sustainable Development

Agriculture is the cornerstone of Ghana’s economy, playing a pivotal role in creating jobs, ensuring food security, and fostering economic progress. However, despite...


The Need For Companies And Institutions To Uphold NSS Mandates To Grow And Empower The Youth

The National Service Scheme (NSS) in Ghana was established in 1973 with the primary aim of fostering a sense of national service and...


Mzbel Discloses Desire To Collaborate With Prominent Nigerian Music Figures

Ghanaian music sensation, Belinda Nana Ekua Amoah, known in showbiz as Mzbel, recently expressed her strong desire to work alongside two well-known Nigerian...


Attack On UTV Is A Threat To Press Freedom: Frederick Alormasor Writes

Ghana has long been celebrated for its thriving democracy and unwavering commitment to press freedom. However, a recent incident has cast a shadow...


The Fallen Standards in Ghana’s Transportation System: A Call for Reform

Transportation is the lifeblood of any thriving economy, connecting people, goods, and services across the nation. In Ghana, a nation known for its...


The Urgent Need To Strengthen Mining Regulations In Ghana To Prevent Tragic Incidents: My Take

The recent tragic explosion at the quarry site in Shama, in the Western Region on Sunday, September 10, 2023, which resulted in the...